Thursday, October 20, 2005

Blogging Albuquerque

I'm currently in Albuquerque in the airport, waiting to board the flight home to STL. I've been here since Tuesday for depositions, which were canceled for today due to hurricane Wilma (the defendants and their attorneys are from Tampa), so I'm coming home a day early.

Free wireless is a great invention. Not many airports offer it, because there are so many providers looking to charge for the service. It sure makes waiting for flights much less boring than it was before.

This is my first time to Albuquerque. I didn't get to see too much, due to the work schedule. I did get downtown, and you can't help but see the Sandia mountains, even from the airport Marriott. Nothing too remarkable here. Then again, other than the ocassional mountain range, every city looks the same from the perspective of the airport Marriott.

No pictures, because my camera phone is broken, and I'm living in the denial that I can wait it out until the new Treo comes out in early 2006.

See you all later.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Picture Share!

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by jayzych.
Up close with Zoe

A Picture Share!

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by jayzych.
Did Santa drop off an elf early ?

A Picture Share!

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by jayzych.
we are off to get some fresh air

A Picture Share!

A Picture Share!
Originally uploaded by jayzych.
Brendan was sick all night. However wearing our SLU jersey always makes us feel better

Recent Activity

We haven't posted for a while, so I thought I'd add a few photos from recent outings. In the last few weekends, we've gone to the Zoo, the Forest Park Balloon Race, and Rumbach's Pumpkin Farm.

On another note, for those who have e-mailed or commented, bear with me as we are switching ISP's, and thus e-mail addresses. We'll be back together in no time.

On another note, Blogger's main benefits are that (1) it's cheap (read:free); and (2) it's idiot-proof (read:able to be operated by me). The main drawbacks are that it's public, and you thus get these creepy anonymous spam comments. I can't figure out how to delete them. I think I'm going to turn off anonymous comments for the time being. If it continues, I may just switch to a pay service that doesn't have the public visibility that blogger has.

St. Louis Zoo. Posted by Picasa

Brendan is debating whether he likes chocolate or vanilla ice cream better. Aren't we all? Posted by Picasa

St. Louis Zoo, last weekend. Posted by Picasa

Brendan was adamant about taking a picture of his thumb. As far as we can tell, it's an ordinary thumb. No distinguishing characteristics. It's never been involved in any trauma or other excitement. Apparently he's just a boy who's fond of his thumb.  Posted by Picasa

Hayden's favorite thing in the world is trains. The train at the St. Louis Zoo rules them all. Posted by Picasa

Here we are at Rombach's Pumpkin Farm, a necessary stop every October (even before we had kids). Posted by Picasa

While we were walking away, we discovered that the other side of that sign on the left says "Do not play or sit on these pumpkins." Oops. Posted by Picasa

Brendan on the Fort. Posted by Picasa

Hayden on the Fort. Posted by Picasa

This is from a few weeks back at the Forest Park Balloon Race. Posted by Picasa

I'm not sure what horses have to do with balloons. Posted by Picasa